Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Leaning on the simple things

I live near the Fox River. I enjoy the sights and sounds that accompany the change of seasons along the waterway.

During late February and March I enjoy hearing the Canada geese return to the area and go about their routines, which as far as I can tell involve floating in the river and flying. I like hearing the honks as the big birds take flight over my neighborhood.

I enjoy watching them in flight, but I think there’s something special in hearing their constant honking, especially in the predawn hours or at night, when I can't see them, but can hear them flying overhead.

There are times when the geese fly so low over head I can hear their wings flapping.

The geese behave in a similar manner during autumn, and that’s always enjoyable, too. But I think hearing their activity after a long winter is pleasant because it tells me warmer temperatures will soon arrive.

Winter 2018-19 has been challenging in northern Illinois. We have endured major snowstorms, extended periods of sub-zero temperatures and windstorms that included gusts to 60 mph. None of this is uncommon in the upper Midwest, but it makes for a long winter.

So until temperatures start climbing back to the mid-40s and beyond, I will make do with the simple pleasure of seeing dozens of geese fly over head and listening to them honking their songs to me.

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