I wanted to take a few minutes while the turkey is roasting in the oven to note a few of things I am most thankful for on Thanksgiving Day 2020.
I give thanks each day for the greatest and most valued blessings in my life, my wife and my daughter. I give special thanks for the good health each enjoys.
On the topic of health, I also give thanks for the relative good health I enjoy. I experienced a health crisis in October. It was serious, but treatable and alerted doctors to a serious condition that also can be treated without surgery.
I am blessed to have five siblings and a fairly large extended family. A few of members of my extended family had Covid-19 this year, but recovered quickly and display no serious lasting troubles. We give thanks for that. The most important thing for each of us is that we all enjoy relatively good health and everyone is still with us this holiday.
I give thanks for the essential blessings God shares with me and my family - safe shelter, food, clothing, and a job I enjoy.
I give thanks for Otto, my dog and valued companion. Otto is there with me in the mornings, before I go to work, and he greets me when I return home at the end of my. During the lockdown, when we were confined to home, Otto sat with me during the afternoons and joined me on outdoor walks. I count Otto as a member of the family and a true blessing
I give thanks that I was born in and reside in the United States of America. The year 2020 offered us unimaginable challenges, but as we near its end, we can imagine brighter days ahead. There is no other country for me, and I am blessed to be here.
--Thank you for reading. You comments are always welcome.