Our temperatures reached 40 degrees this afternoon, under sunny skies. It was our first pleasant day after nearly three weeks of single-digit temperatures, so naturally we started thinking about our gardens.
My wife and I generally plant vegetables and herbs, although we make sure to have decorative plants outdoors. We don't have much of a yard so we do a lot of container gardening. We did OK last season, our tomatoes came in nicely, and we did very well with our herbs.
This season we hope to add more vegetables. We'll include tomatoes, because we enjoy those. And we'll continue to plant some herbs, because we find a variety of uses for those. We're not sure which vegetables to add.
I've been thinking about peppers, and maybe some snap peas. I'm also considering a few pumpkin plants, but my neighbors tell me they are not worth the effort.
My sister grows garlic, tomatoes, herbs, and pumpkins, but she owns a small farm and has the space grow a variety of produce.
If I had a larger yard, I'd give thought to a fruit tree or bush. A friend has a single lemon tree in his yard, and I'm always impressed with the amount of fruit it produces.
A neighbor of ours when I was growing up had several mulberry trees, and I always enjoyed the berries they produced. I can still remember how sweet they tasted on a summer morning.
I have some decisions to make, but I also have some time to plan. As of last week, we had a snow pack of about 18 inches and received another inch or two of fresh snow over the weekend. That will take some time to melt away. In the meantime, I can do a bit of daydreaming.
-- Thank you for reading. Your comments are aways welcome.