Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Successful Living: Lesson 2- Get a Dog


Nothing fuels success like a good dog. That's a fact. Want to succeed in life? Get a good dog, I say.

An entire industry exists to help individuals find success in life. It offers videos, books, blogs and an assortment of other products all designed to help others succeed at the work of living. All the products cost money; some of them cost a lot of money. 

Dogs can be expensive, too, but it might be the best investment you make. It has been for me. The self-help books might produce some good results for some people, but I know many who found little but frustration and disappointment with those things. 

Not so for those with a dog they love and treat as a member of the family. Here are a few reasons why I think a good dog can help you achieve happiness, if not success:

  • Life is short, and it's more enjoyable with the companionship a good dog provides. 
  • A dog will never complain about the chores you didn't perform or the tasks you failed to complete.
  • A dog doesn't care how you dress when you leave the house. The dog only wants you to return as soon as possible.
  • A dog doesn't object if you decide to spend Saturday afternoon napping on the sofa. In fact, the dog will be happy to join you there. Be sure to leave some space for your friend.
  • A dog will be more loyal than most humans, is always excited to see you, and only wants your attention. Those are valuable and pleasant qualities. 
I could offer many more reasons, but you get the idea. Get a dog and you'll be happy, rested and at peace with yourself - all qualities that contribute to successful living. 

--Thank you for reading. Comments and questions are always welcome.

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